PitchBook Universities: Top 100 colleges ranked by startup founders | Biden News



The 2022 ranking is based on the number of founders whose companies received first-round venture funding between January 1, 2012, and October 21, 2022. Our methodology analyzes educational data on more than 144,000 founders.

The data about entrepreneurs, companies and capital collected comes from the PitchBook Platform. Data on the educational background of the founders as well as university data are collected from primary sources and are publicly available.

Since companies can have more than one founder, and founders can attend multiple schools, the same company or founder can be counted in multiple universities.

New in 2022

PitchBook made a number of changes to its list of universities in 2022, including new features and adjustments to the way lists are created and structured.

  • New filter functionality: Users can now filter rankings by school enrollment size, geographic area, and whether the university is public or private.
  • Expanded graduate program rankings: All postgraduate degree holders are now included in our graduate rankings. Previously, the graduate ranking only included founders who had an MBA.
  • Time period: The rankings now capture founders who received funding in the previous decade. Previously, the list included all founders who raised funds since 2006.
  • State university system marking: We leveraged our founder data to ensure that those attending US public universities are tagged to the campus they attended rather than the university system as a whole.
  • More schools: Undergraduate and postgraduate lists now rank up to 100 schools when the filter is applied. The list of female founders ranks up to 50 schools.

Due to this change from previous years, there is no year-over-year change in the 2022 list.

Download the XLS version of this year’s list.

For feedback or questions, please contact press@pitchbook.com.

Featured image by Joey Schaffer/PitchBook News


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