Jorge Linares gave Haney the Edge over Lomachenko | Biden News


By Craig Page: Jorge Linares is leaning toward Devin Haney to beat Vasyl Lomachenko if they meet for the light heavyweight championship.

Haney doesn’t have the same speed or power as Jaimeine Ortiz, so Lomachenko will be good against him. Ortiz has speed and power early on. Where Haney is better than Ortiz is in the resistance and jab departments.

Linares pointed to the size of the 23-year-old Haney (29-0, 15 KOs) as something that will set him apart from Lomachenko (17-2, 11 KOs), who is clearly out of the 130-weight class. by competing against the top 135-pounders.

Lomachenko put in one of the worst career games last Saturday night in 12 round decision against Jamaine Ortiz (16-1-1, 8 KOs) at Madison Square Garden in New York. Many boxing fans have won Ortiz, while others think it should be a draw.

Ortiz is a size larger than Lomachenko in terms of weight and reach. He actually appears two divisions above Lomachenko in size.

If Loma were to fight Haney, he would be dealing with size issues because Devin is arguably a 140-lb fighter, and you could probably make a case for him being a 147-pounder.

When Haney stood next to Lomachenko in the ring after last Saturday’s fight, he looked like a junior welterweight. There’s no way you’d imagine the two fighting, considering the size of the difference between them.

After this fight, Lomachenko is not the same Lomachenko“said Jorge Linares for Fighthype about his fight with Vasyl Lomachenko in 2018, which he lost by 10th knockout.

Linares is giving himself a lot because of the problems he gave Lomachenko in 2018.

Loma, in fact, has looked good in most of his fights since then, beating Anthony Crolla, Luke Campbell, Richard Commey, and Masayoshi Nakatani with ease.

Where Lomachenko has had trouble is when he fights heavyweights in Jermaine Ortiz and Teofimo Lopez, both of whom look like heavyweights.

“If this fight happens, 60-40, Haney has the best time right now,” Linares said when asked who would win between Devin Haney and Lomachenko. “It’s fast; he is fast, he has power, and he moves very well in the ring.

“You saw the last fight with Kambosos. He had a wonderful fight. Lomachenko is Lomachenko, but a different weight, a different body,” said Linares.

“I don’t think so,” Lomachenko’s fighter Russ Anber told Fighthype when told that many boxing fans had Jamaine Ortiz beat Vasyl Lomachenko.

“Although he was brave with his effort, I will give him full credit for that. He tried to kill him, and he fought to kill him. He [Ortiz] he was in a certain state; You have to remember that everyone expects to fail.

“He’s the one who’s not good enough to come in, and he fights like he wants to win. This is big. Win, lose, draw, I’m sure you want to win. But there is something in boxing called ‘good losses.’

“He sat with one of the best fighters in the world [Lomachenko] and he stayed with him tooth & nail, and I think that’s an honor. He fought with hell.

“I think Loma’s touch is more than Jermain’s, and it makes Jermain miss a lot of punches. It was really after eight rounds that Loma started to put the pedal to the medal.

He stood up like a secretary [1973 Kentucky Derby winner racehorse] and he pulled back. I think that’s the key in the fight.

“I told John, Loma’s lawyer, ‘It’s going to be 117.’ So I think we won nine rounds. I think we won nine rounds.

“I don’t know if you can call it ring-rust,” Anber said when asked if he thought Lomachenko was rusty from leaving the ring for nearly a year. “The man who was rusted could not be equal to the shot he made. He put such pain on the man, and he pressed him to take it.

“I wouldn’t say ring rust. From what I see, however, these people are much bigger than Loma. Or Commey, Teofimo Lopez, this guy. All are great in comparison [Lomachenko].

“You look at them, ‘Is this guy in the same class? He looks a lot bigger. They’re a lot bigger than him, and that’s what he needs to do to compete.

“I think if he sits in a small class, I don’t think there is anyone [that could compete with him]. People won’t even come out to see him fight because he is dominant.

“So, to make it interesting, he has to move to a higher weight, and now he looks at the size of the people he will fight. I hope so,” said Anber about Lomachenko’s possible fight with Devin Haney next.

“There is no doubt about it [Haney potentially being the toughest fight of Lomachenko’s professional career. “He’s a world champion. I mean, it definitely could well be and stylistically could be a tough fight because Devin is hard to hit as well.

“It’s going to be like a chess match. It’s not because the rounds are close. It’s 9-3 so easy,” said Anber when asked if Jamaine Ortiz deserves a rematch with Lomachenko because of the 9-3 score given to Loma, which has been widely criticized as being out of sync with the fight that took place last Saturday night.

“You could say 8-4 even. His [Lomachenko] The lawyer won 8-4. It’s competitive. Just because he’s 9-3 doesn’t mean the nine rounds he’s won haven’t been competitive, tough rounds. He just had to fight a little harder than Jermaine.

“Listen, Jermaine fought hell. I know his trainer Rocky Gonzalez very well. They came prepared, and they came to win, and they gave their best. Loma is Loma.

“I’m not,” Anber said when asked if there was a chance of a rematch between Lomachenko and Jermaine. “I am a butcher. I have no part in the business and things like that. For me, I think Loma wants to get his belt back,” said Anber.

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