5 artists lead the way with double MusicNL Award wins | Biden News


Five Newfoundland and Labrador artists headlined the annual MusicNL Awards ceremony in Corner Brook on Saturday.

Rachel Cousins, Nick Earle and The Reckless Hearts, Dentha Edmonds, Rosemary Lawton and Florian Hofner each won two awards.

Cousins ​​won Pop Artist and Solo Artist of the Year, Nick Earle and The Reckless Hearts took Album and Rock Artist of the Year honors, while Deintha Edmonds was named Classical and Indigenous Artist of the Year.

Rosemary Lawton was nominated for Celtic/Traditional Artist of the Year and Music Video of the Year, and Florian Hofner earned the Global Music and Instrumental Music Artist of the Year awards.

The awards ceremony capped off a week of events at Corner Brook that included workshops and performances.

Check out all the 2022 MusicNL Award winners in the list below:

Album of the year
Nick Earle and the Reckless Hearts – No more hiding

Alternative Artist of the Year

Celtic/Traditional Artist of the Year
Rosemary Lawton

Classical Artist of the Year
Dentha Edmonds

The best artist of the country
Youngtree and the Blooms

Electronic Artist of the Year
Alex Byrne

Entertainer of the Year
Justin Fancy

Folk/Original Artist of the Year

Global Music Artist of the Year
Florian Hofner

Group of the year
Quoting Raven

Indigenous Artist of the Year
Dentha Edmonds

Instrumentalist of the Year
Florian Hofner

Loud Artist of the Year

Music Video of the Year
Rosemary Lawton – small fire (Managed by Center City Media)

Pop Artist of the Year
Rachel is cousin

Rap/Hip-Hop Artist of the Year
king swing

Rising Star of the Year
Xing Xia

Rock Artist of the Year
Nick Earle and the Reckless Hearts

Supporting Artist of the Year
Dan George

Solo Artist of the Year
Rachel is cousin

Songwriter of the Year Ron Hynes
Kelly McMichael

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