Global PC Shipments Decline 15.5% YoY / Digital Information World | Biden News


Computer shipments have struggled due to severe inflationary pressure due to the fact that this is the kind of thing that could potentially end up reducing the amount of spare cash that consumers could have on hand. In the third quarter of 2022, global PC shipments fell to 71.1 million units, which represents a 15.5% year-over-year decline. This continues the downward trend that was noticed in the second quarter of 2022, and it does not bode well for the next fiscal year in terms of PC sales.

All that being said and now out of the way, it’s important to note that the resolution of shipping issues related to computer components did little to ease the concerns of OEMs, who continue to have a conservative outlook for the fourth quarter. of this year. These OEMs have engaged in significant promotional activities to try to stimulate sales, but despite this being the case, they have not seen any momentum generated let alone maintained.

The back-to-school season is supposed to be a time of increased sales for the computer industry, but this year seems to be an outlier that suggests sales will be lower than might otherwise be the case. Apple is among the only OEMs to report an increase in shipments, with Apple specifically reporting a 7% increase in global shipments for its personal computer products with all things considered.

Meanwhile, Dell experienced a 20% decline in sales, Lenovo saw its sales drop by 16%, and while Asus fared a bit better, it also saw a 9% decline in global PC shipments. All of this suggests muted growth for the computer industry next year, and it will be interesting to see if a reduction in inflation makes any difference. Economic forecasts are still quite bleak, so the computer industry may see an extended period of stagnation that could upend the paradigm of the industry.

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