Major game studios believed this company provided experienced, well-equipped QA teams – employees say that was a lie. | Biden News


Testing video games is hard work, and it only gets more challenging as games get bigger and more complex. What would make the job even more difficult, however, is covering the work of three other testers⁠ while pretending you have a full team to the developer who contracted the work. That’s the kind of thing some QA developers say they’ve been directed to do while testing major games at a large third-party test house.

Two current and eight former workers at prolific Romanian quality subcontractor Quantic Lab spoke to PC Gamer about their jobs on condition of anonymity, claiming that management not only pushes its testers above and beyond the norm for this vital but all-too-often underserved subset. of game development, but also misleads customers about the size and expertise of its QA teams⁠—and directs employees to keep doing it.


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