The Divine Force PC Gameplay Footage Highlights Minimal Differences From PlayStation 5 Edition | Biden News


Footage of the PC version of Star Ocean: The Divine Force has been shared online, highlighting the differences with the PlayStation 5 version of the game.

The new footage, shared on YouTube by Rubhen925, features the first 25 minutes of Laeticia’s campaign, so there are little to no spoilers. Unfortunately, the footage highlights how the PC version running on an RTX 3090 has minimal differences from the PlayStation 5 version, as it also comes with performance drops in some places. While this was expected, given the system requirements, it’s still disappointing to see yet another unoptimized PC version.

Despite the dated visuals and declining performance, Star Ocean: The Divine Force is a solid JRPG and a return to form for the series, as I highlighted in my review.

Even with a few issues here and there, Star Ocean: The Divine Force is definitely a return to form for the triple-A series. The game delivers a solid JRPG experience that both fans of the series and newcomers will enjoy thanks to the best battle system in the series to date, likeable characters and an engaging but somewhat slow and not particularly surprising story. Some technical issues and by-the-book game design do take something away from the experience, but for those looking for a traditional Japanese RPG with a lot of heart, Star Ocean: The Divine Force is the game to get.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force is now available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Xbox One worldwide. It will launch later today on PC.

[Move and explore freely in three dimensions: everything you see can be explored!]
You can move in three dimensions while flying around the largest environment ever.
Whether you’re flying around and exploring rock faces and rooftops in the city, or jumping off cliffs to seamlessly enter battles, you’ll have more freedom in terms of both adventuring and fighting.

[The Fastest and Strongest Action of any in the Series.]
While the game will give you room to play as you please, the scope of its battles has also evolved.
Characters can subdue a large number of enemies with super-fast movement attacks, special abilities where you can disappear for a short moment right in front of your enemies’ eyes, and an ability that could kill in one hit!

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