Playable | ‘Twogether: Project Indigos’ Coming to PC Soon, Gets a Special PS4 Edition | Biden News


Twogether: Project Indigos is a single-player third-person puzzle adventure. Set in the eerie Hexacells facilities, Twogether will present original puzzles that can only be solved through cooperation.

With this premise, you know what awaits you: use the extrasensory powers of these children to escape their sad plight. And what are these powers? Rafi, 12, can move objects with his mind. On the other hand, Sam, a little older, is able to teleport using a Rubik’s cube. You will have to combine the skills of both, and play with the objects and lights you will find on the stage, to overcome the security measures that guard the Hexacell facilities.

In the art department, the character design gives them real personality, and the coldness of the Hexacell building generates an atmosphere of uneasiness that doesn’t exactly inspire you to send your running lights at them. As the game progresses, you will find more disturbing details and you will ask yourself many questions that you will want to answer.

Twogether: Project Indigos is designed to be played alone. The difficulty of the challenges goes from less to more, becoming really challenging. You won’t be able to avoid hooking into the brain teaser for a while. Unfortunately, the telekinetic is them, not you, so to get a soda you’ll have to press pause and walk to the kitchen.

Twogether: Project Indigos has been running on PlayStation for some time, with the acceleration of the PS Talents program, you will soon be able to find it on PC (Steam) and a new special edition for PS4.

Main Features:

  • Powers: Teleport to inaccessible places with Sam and move objects from a distance with Rafi.
  • Puzzles: Face complicated puzzles that will require you to combine both powers.
  • Atmosphere: Discover Hexacells, a laboratory that secretly researches children with supernatural powers.
  • Be part of the adventure together with Rafi and Sam, where they will find friendship for the first time as they escape Hexacells.

Currently available for PS4 (Special Edition coming soon), Twogether: Project Indigos is coming to PC (Steam).

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