(BPRW) Howard University Announces Record $122 Million Annual Research Funding; Creating New Opportunities for Students & Faculties | Press conference | Biden News


(BPRW) Howard University Announces Record $122 Million Annual Research Funding; Creating New Opportunities for Students & Faculty

(Black PR Cable) WASHINGTON – In 2018, Howard University announced a goal to raise $100 million in grants and contracts for research by 2024. Recently, Howard surpassed that goal two years early by raising $122 million in Fiscal Year 2022, a record amount for each Historically Black College or University (HBCU).

“Research and academic excellence have always been part of Howard’s identity. We have supported hundreds of leading researchers across disciplines, advancing our collective understanding of the world around us and producing research that has changed the world,” said President Wayne AI Frederick, MD, MBA. “With our new approach to research funding, we are creating more opportunities for today’s leading black scholars, while training the next generation of leaders.”

In 2018, President Frederick relaunched the Howard Research Office and recruited Dr. Bruce Jones, Ph.D. to lead the business. Under the leadership of Dr. Jones, Howard has led a research revolution on campus. From 2017 to 2021, Howard increased research proposal output by more than 37 percent and funding increased 175 percent from 2008 to 2022. Unlike donations or prizes, research grants and contracts are based on professors and students submitting proposals and being awarded project-specific funding.

“The breadth and scope of research coming out of Howard University is astounding,” said Howard Vice President of Research Dr. Bruce Jones, Ph.D. “With this additional funding, the university’s research capacity will be accelerated, enabling us to continue to conduct cutting-edge research on a larger scale in keeping with Howard University’s institutional mission: to advance the development of scholars and professionals who drive change.”

Historically, black academics and institutions have not received funding commensurate with the needs of the black community. HBCUs, like Howard, always have to do more, with less. A 2019 report found that HBCUs were provided with less research funding than non-HBCUs with similar research programmes.

When fewer resources are dedicated to Black scholars and their research, the health, social, and economic impact of this systemic funding gap ripples across the Black community who will be most affected by their research, and students have fewer opportunities to gain experience. needed to start their career.

With this influx of funding, Howard University is on track to become an R1 Research University in the years to come, an acknowledgment given to the top 3.5 percent of research universities. No other HBCU currently has R1 status. Obtaining R1 status will further enhance cutting-edge research and opportunities at the University.

To increase funding through grants and contracts, Howard has:

  • Enhanced collaboration and partnership with the corporate and philanthropic community;
  • Expanding joint programs with peer institutions of higher education and other HBCUs;
  • Increased participation coverage of colleges and on-campus schools in grant and contract companies, and the number of submissions of interdisciplinary research proposals;
  • Installing a monitoring and tracking system for grant and contract data;
  • Substantially increase research training opportunities for faculty and students;
  • Initiated significant renovation of research facilities;
  • Systematically working to advance a research-focused culture across campus to benefit all faculty and all students and more.

With these steps, Howard University is on its way to raising more than $100 million year over year, providing more support for facilities, faculty and postdoctoral capacity, scholarships, fellowships, and other investments that will drive the next generation of led innovation. Howard and enhance the Howard experience for students. Recent research achievements include:

  • Last month, the University announced new plans to continue its genomics and genetics work through a recent grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
  • Through a $250,000 grant provided by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, researchers will study how digital manipulation and disinformation on social media affects black and marginalized communities, particularly around Washington, D.C.
  • The Department of Defense awarded the College of Engineering and Architecture a five-year $7.5 million award for creating the Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, known as CoE-AIML. Howard will explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in vital civilian applications and multidomain operations.
  • A team led by Professor Nikki Taylor was awarded a $5,000,000 multi-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the Just Futures Initiative, dedicated to fighting injustice, racism, inequality and more.
  • Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics Omari Swinton was awarded a $1.4 million grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to improve teaching and educational training for black and other minority students pursuing degrees in economics. Dr. Swinton is also the recipient of a $2.7 million National Science Foundation Award for hosting the American Economic Association summer training program.

For more information on Howard Forward’s strategic plan and its measurable results, please visit https://strategicplan.howard.edu/.


About Howard University

Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private research university made up of 14 schools and colleges. Students pursue more than 140 courses leading to undergraduate, postgraduate and professional degrees. The University operates with a commitment to Excellence in Truth and Service and has produced one Schwarzman Scholar, four Marshall Scholars, four Rhodes Scholars, 12 Truman Scholars, 25 Pickering Fellows and over 165 Fulbright recipients. Howard also earned more Ph.D. recipients than any other university in the United States. For more information about Howard University, visit www.howward.edu.

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