Overwatch 2: How ranks work in competitive | Biden News


Overwatch 2’s (opens in a new tab) Competitive ranks (opens in a new tab) a lot has changed since the original game. Skill rating is gone and replaced with skill sections within all ranks. The new system encourages you to focus on playing multiple matches and doing your best, instead of worrying about individual ones. Overwatch 2’s new ranks make Competitive mode easier to understand and less daunting.

Overwatch 2 has two ranked modes: Role Queue and Open Queue – both require winning 50 games or owning the original game to unlock. Role queue locks your team composition down to one tank hero, two damage heroes and two support heroes. You choose the roles you want to rank for, play matches and get an individual rank for each role. Open Queue is free like Overwatch at launch in 2016. You can choose any hero in any role and get one universal rank.


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