The mystery of Bishop PC Singh continues to unravel | Biden News


Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): New pages unfold making shocking revelations every day in the case of Christian guru PC Singh, former president of The Board of Education Church of North India, Jabalpur, who misappropriated crores of rupees under the guise of educational institutions running on fake documents.

According to sources, in the investigation of the documents seized during the action taken by the EOW in the case, it is revealed that various tactics were used by the bishop to make a forgery.

The auditor of PC Singh’s private Jaroha Trust, who appeared before the EOW on Tuesday, revealed that the bishop used to give him a large amount of money, in cash, received from schools, which he later used to transfer to the trust in fake names . .

In particular, his close assistant Benny Corian and his son Abhilash were appointed auditors in the private Jaroha Trust set up by the bishop. However, the amount deposited in the trust has yet to be ascertained.

PC Singh’s son Piyush was also questioned by the EOW on Tuesday to ascertain the source of his income. Piyush, who appeared with his income tax documents, said that he is a salaried principal of the school.

To find out the activities of the bishop, his special prince Suresh Jacob was also questioned again. The paper submitted by him, purportedly declaring himself as a member of the Synad organization of Delhi, was sent to Delhi to ascertain its authenticity.

The EOW had in August registered the case against Bishop Singh after a complaint alleged that he indulged in financial misconduct in running an educational society of which he was the president, the official said.

A preliminary investigation revealed that Rs 2.70 crore collected as student fees by the various institutions of the society between 2004-05 and 2011-12 were allegedly transferred to religious institutions, misused, and spent by the bishop for personal needs, an EOW official said earlier . .

A case was then registered against Singh and former assistant registrar of Companies and Societies BS Solanki under Indian Penal Code Sections 420 (cheating), 406 (criminal breach of trust), 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating), 471 (using false document). or electronic register) and 120 B (punishment for criminal conspiracy), the official said.

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