MusicNL has announced the winners of the 2021 Music Awards | Biden News


MusicNL has announced the winners of the 2021 Music Awards. Taking home two awards were Oprah Harnoy, Cote the Raven, Kelly McMichael and Maria Cherwick.

Labrador band The Flammies walked away with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

A full list of award winners can be found below:

Album of the Year: Sherman Downey – New Beautiful

Alternative Artist of the Year: Claire Follett

Celtic/Traditional Artist of the Year: Maria Cherwick

Classical Artist of the Year: Ofra did not lose

Country Artist of the Year: Carolina East

Electronic Artist of the Year: Virginia Fudge

Folk/Roots Group of the Year: Quoting Raven

World Music Artist of the Year: Ofra did not lose

Group of the Year: Quoting Raven

Indigenous Artist of the Year: Jason Benoit

Instrumentalist of the Year: Duane Andrews

Jazz/Blues Artist of the Year: Ana Luisa Ramos

Music Video of the Year: Mallory Johnson and Twin Kennedy – Wise Women (Director: Cecil Johnson)

Pop Artist of the Year: Rachel is cousin

Rap/Hip Hop Artist of the Year: Winnie Churchill

Rising Star of the Year: Matthew Hender

Rock Artist of the Year: Kelly McMichael

Backing Musician of the Year: Maria Cherwick

Solo Artist of the Year: Kelly McMichael

Ron Hynes Songwriter of the Year: Kelly Loader

Fan Choice Entertainer of the Year: Ram Rugged

Lifetime Honors: Flammies


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