Number of technical colleges accumulating 1 lakh and above double | Biden News


The number of technical colleges accumulating more than 1 lakh fees has doubled to 40 institutions from the previous 20’s of colleges even when the minimum fee has been raised from 5,000 to 45,000.

The government issued an order Wednesday to finalize the fee structure for 159 colleges in accordance with recommendations from the Admissions and Fees Regulatory Committee (AFRC). The highest fee for the three-year block period starting from 2022-23 is set for the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology (MGIT) at 1.60 lakh.

As per the issued GO, fees have been increased to over 1 lakh in 40 colleges. The fee for the CVR technical college has been set at 1.5 lakh; while CBIT, Vardhaman College of Engineering and Vasavi College of Engineering will be allowed to charge 1.40 lakhs per year.

However, the government has not provided information on whether reimbursement for eligible candidates has also increased. Until last year, eligible students typically received a minimum reimbursement of 35,000. With the minimum fee now increased to 45,000, it is unclear whether the increased amount will be reimbursed.

Along with engineering colleges, orders have been issued to increase fees for MBA, MCA, and M.Tech courses. The minimum annual fee for MBA and MCA courses is 27,000 while it is set at 57,000 for M.Tech courses.

The government has also clarified that the fees have been set based on the details uploaded by the colleges online and must be verified. If any data is found to be incorrect, the government will revise the fee structure.


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